Art by my dearest @suretina
Heyo, I am Guineuu
I’m an artist trying to discover music and himself. Do you like electronic music? I do. In fact, I am crazy for music in general. Since ever, music has been like a second language for me and nowadays I feel like I even need it to breath.
Though I’ve never studied it (except in school), I can identify patterns and craft music the way I want to just by ear. Sometimes I even feel like I’m just watching while my body does the rest. I’ve been doing this for more than a decade and I don’t want to stop ever.
Thank you for passing by and I hope you enjoy my music.
I have astigmatism and white text over dark background is hard to read lmao. You’re welcome astigmatismers.
More About
My name is Luis Gracia, I used the name Ledwig Gnade for some time cause I thought it was cooler. I like Luis Gracia now. I was born in Spain, I’ve been living with undiagnosed ADHD and Asperger (called Autistic Spectrum now days) until my young adult days. I consider myself a funny fella a bit hard to handle sometimes, but I’m proud of myself.
My Interest in Music
I’ve been interested in music since always. My mom and dad probably had notice it, but for people of their generation that kind of career is just a dream and real life needs “hard work”, not sitting all day listening to noises (my dad is a frustrated artist forged on hard work, btw). I understand that and I don’t blame them for anything, they are right on that thought. But my love and passion for music are much more than a hobby. I need to make music, I cannot do anything else as good as this and I know that I have such a huge headroom for improvements.
My brain always has been this musical playground. I cannot listen to music without thinking “this would’ve sound better if it did this!”, or “this part of this song could combine with this other song!”. Also, there’s always something playing in my head. From Elden Ring music to 90’s Spanish disco, my brain moves at a rhythm.
This nonstop of music in my head may be caused by a very loud tinnitus at around 19khz that I believe I have since I was born, but I cannot know if it started at some point and can’t remember how the silence sounds. Luckily, I can mask the ringing with noise and music, as this ring is inside my brain and not in my ears even quieter noises in my ear can mask it. This tinnitus made me struggle a lot with my mental health and it doesn’t help if I’m down or anxious, but now I’m very positive and don’t worry about it at all, just my idle noise.
As an added insight about how my “listening to music experience” works, I also have a little synesthesia. I can recognize patterns and remember a lot of what I hear, but music is a tasteful and a physical experience for me. I associate tastes to sounds and in some cases I can even feel them in my body (usually inside my guts). I know what I want to hear or how I want something to make me feel, and that’s enough to make me wanna make music.
When Did I Started
I started producing around 2012 when I was 14/15 years old. Before that, I played a bit of guitar and did school and high school music theory. When I started, I didn’t know any of the technical stuff but my art and ideas had been always great. Now I have so much experience that I feel like I could make anything I wanted (musically). I don’t feel like “this will be too hard” or get stuck like I did in the past, now my songs usually take 10-15 hours to be made, which allows me sometimes to be extraordinarily quick.
I know my music isn’t perfect, but that’s what allows me to be so quick and don’t worry too much. I am my worst judge, my perfectionism sometimes bring me to mental health crisis when I realize that, no matter how hard I try, I cannot do everything perfect or be as good as my idols. And that’s why I am not looking for perfection, I just do ideas and go to the next one, no time to perfect and it takes me 1-3 days per song; they’re still good! Perfection is bullsh*t and something you did from scratch has no “perfect” state, no matter how “perfect” you do it.
And even with that confidence, I still feel like I know nothing. I need to keep improving and learning to really be able to make my best music, and I love that feeling. I love to see my work improve over weeks, stuff that I release today feels to me old and outdated compared to my new stuff, which is always more modern and polished. I know that this is caused by the learning process (old stuff seems worse than newer because the knowledge has increased) and it really makes me feel like I improve quick.
This is all I can think to say about me and my music. I’ll be updating this wall of text from time to time. If you’ve read all of this, my guy, you know me more than my sister (I am joking, Anaïs).
Hope it’s been interesting or at least funny!
– Guineuu, Luis Gracia